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  • Writer's picturebrucerelly

Two More Educational Ideas

2. The Energy of Evolution – a Means.

Perhaps one of the most profound lessons to be learned from an observation of Nature is that Evolution is revealed as a fact, not a theory, in the record of fossils embedded over billions of years in the rocks and showing us, plainly, a natural time sequence of biological and psychological progress from elementary, single, but discriminating cells to complex, self-aware Homo sapiens. And displaying, it seems to me, an accelerating rate of progress in the process – slow at first, getting faster and faster – as we find ourselves, somewhat remarkably, even surprisingly, now on the crest of a swelling wave of consciousness – perhaps our greatest Evolutionary tool - that seems able to witness, maybe even to control, its own evolution, and the strongest evidence that Nature has an evolutionary energy worthy to be acknowledged, embraced and explored towards understanding ourselves and the creative energy in which we are immersed.

3. Unity – a Progressive Destination

An examination of biological history over billions of years – call it spiritual evolution – points to a destination in the realm of the abstract, a product of consciousness, which is difficult to define, but which has subtle qualities that might, for the time being, be called Unity – perceptible by the consciousness of some gifted, or trained (or, even, drugged) minds – such as avatars or shamans or spiritual experimenters, or may go by other names, such as become the foundation of a new religion or, less exclusively or dangerously perhaps, the foundation of a new philosophy. And to be understood to go hand in hand with energy of evolution but to be an ambience rather than itself an energy.

Unity might be understood as existing on a scale of development that initially inhabits an elementary assembly of particles and later on embraces humanity and the idea of moral responsibility towards the highest level of assembly of elements of which one is capable of living or imagining and should honour notions, not only of Unity, but Evolution and having respect for truth about life, Nature and oneself; owning the subtle existence of not only the obvious things like racism, but other individual characteristics that enable us to express individuality (for good or bad) with the judgmental biases that are potentially so influential in the refinement of its evolution.

Maybe Unity as discussed here can be compared with Teilhard de Chardin’s idea of the Omega Point?

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